New, improved, more reliable BFP

Something good is happening at the Bureau of Fire Protection.

In October, it topped the list of the Philippines’ Best Employers 2024, beating private companies, including many well-known international brands, for the Number One spot.

Its own employees gave it a rating of 9.22 out of a perfect score of 10.  The list of best employers was drawn up by the Philippine Daily Inquirer, in partnership with Germany-based Statista, the world’s leading data and business intelligence portal, through an independent survey of employees that covered various aspects of employment, from compensation to additional benefits and work environment.

Then, early this evening (Dec. 28), a fire broke out in a residential area on the street behind my apartment. A loud explosion was followed by shooting flames.

My neighbors and I were amazed at how quickly BFP responded to the emergency. In less than 10 minutes, we could hear the fire trucks’ sirens and bells and the fire was put under control in about an hour.

I don’t know yet how much damage the fire has caused but it is very reassuring and heartening that the BFP, one of the most maligned government agencies in the past,  was able to respond quickly and, seemingly, efficiently and effectively.

Whatever it is they are doing right, I hope they continue doing it. Kudos to the BFP chief Louie S.Puracan. May his tribe increase!

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