‘I am a Jedi of FightSaber Philippines’
I was first introduced to the Star Wars saga in 2015, when I binge-watched the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy in preparation for “The Force Awakens,” the first sequel trilogy released that year.
I instantly loved it! I loved every bit of it. That’s when I started collecting the toy version of BB-8, the Astromech droid character in the Star Wars sequel, similar to R2D2 and C-3PO of the original trilogy.
In 2016, during my hunt for BB-8 toys and merch at the Asia Pop Comic Convention in SMX, Mall Of Asia, I was mesmerized by my first sighting of a group called FightSaber Philippines. The members were parading in full regalia, their lightsabers up.
I became a fan, following them in person during events and virtually through their social media posts.
I got my lightsaber in 2022 and started training with them a few months later. In September 2023, I became a full-fledged member.
A special shoutout goes to Local Temple Master Timothy Salubayba, Vice Master Paolo Bragais, and Stage Master Glen “Flash” Antonio, who welcomed me to the group and patiently trained me to become a Jedi of FightSaber Philippines.
FightSaber Philippines is a choreography & costuming group. It originated in Singapore and expanded to neighboring South East Asian countries.
FightSaber Philippines is one of the country’s three most prominent Star Wars costuming organizations. The others are the 501st Philippine Garrison (the bad guys) and Rebel Legion: Bagong Pag asa (the good guys).
Don’t judge these groups by their costumes, though. They are also heavily invested in charity work.
They stage parades and other performances to raise funds for chosen advocacy partners, such as Make-A-Wish Philippines, Valenzuela ADHD Support Group, and the Silahis ng Kalusugan School for Chronically Ill Children. They also visit and cheer the patients in pediatric and cancer wards of various hospitals.
I am a proud member of FightSaber Philippines, debuting at the 16th Christmas Toy Convention in SM Megamall on December 17. I played Rey Skywalker, and I had a sparring match with Joshua Martin de Guzman, who played Kylo Ren.
I have never been as happy as a Jedi of FightSaber Philippines, which means sharing my passion for Star Wars with fellow loyal fans and bringing a deeper meaning and purpose to what was once a hobby. May the Force be with us.